by admin | Aug 12, 2022 | Berita
As result of being acknowledge by ASIIN, PDIAP continue the process of national accredtiation under BANPT. On this August 2022, PDIAP has achieved EXCELLENT level of BANPT. For Information EXCELLENT is the highest level of BANPT Accredtitation.
by admin | Aug 12, 2022 | news
in aims to raise the sense of belongings, gather the idea for gate and opening area of campus, Undip hold design competition for “alumnae/staffs/students of Undip” to participate, The total rewards are approx 350K USD and this competition already open since July and...
by admin | Aug 12, 2022 | news
International Accreditiation Institute of ASIIN from German has fully accreditated (without requirements) for five years Program Doktor Ilmu Arsitektur & Perkotaan (PDIAP) DAFT UNDIP. This certificate is legally given on 18 March 2022 until 30 September 2027....
by admin | Aug 12, 2022 | news
Starting 5th april 2022. PDIAP has been accredited by ASIIN. PDIAP committed to synchronize all programs into architecture education with WINGS+T as reviewers ASIIN suggestion for further developments. Hereby the evidence of ASIIN accreditation and full version of...
by admin | Aug 12, 2022 | Berita
Sukawi (student of PDIAP) earned 1st winneri on design logo 3rd Anniversary Kejar Mimpi Semarang competition. Sukawi is expert on design logo. The current logo competition 3rd Anniv KM Semarang is sponsored by CIMB Semarang and Kejarmimpi. picture of winner...