Semarang, Doctoral Promotion Session for Architecture and Urbanism FT Undip was held at the Postgraduate Building, Undip Imam Barjo Campus on Thursday 21 February 2019.
to keep developing their knowledge. This was proven by a lecturer at Sebelas Maret State University Surakarta (UNS), Untung Joko Cahyono who is a teaching staff and researcher in the field of architectural engineering. This has been proven by completing his doctoral studies.
The studies were taken approximately 5 years 5 months 20 days more. In Undip’s Architectural and Urban Engineering Doctoral Programme made him the 36th doctoral graduate in his field. Through the guidance of the Promoter, Prof.Dr.Ir.Bambang Setioko.M.Eng.Dr.Ir.Titien Woro Murtini,MSA Co.Promoter 1, Prof.Dr.Ir.Sugiono Soetomo,DEA as Imam Buchori, ST, as an examiner, Prof.Dr.Ing.Ir.Gagoek Hardiman as an examiner, and Prof. Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, ST, MSc, Dr.Ir.Atiek Suprapti, MT. Examiners as well as the Head of Architecture Engineering Study Program.
Untung Joko Cahyono was able to defend his dissertation research before the Doctoral Open Examination Panel or Promotion Examination. With the Dissertation Title: Memetri Basis of Transformation of House Forms in Laweyan Surakarta.
Promovenda’s success was awarded a highly satisfactory predicate with a GPA of 3.86, further adding to the list of doctoral alumni in the Doctor of Architecture and Urban Studies Program. as well as continued Promoters and examiners as well as guests from Sebelas Maret State University Surakarta Honorary Dean and Head of Department from UNS congratulated promovenda and accompanied by invited guests from family and colleagues.