Semarang, The Doctoral Promotion Session for Architecture and Urbanism of FT Undip was held at the Postgraduate Building, Undip Imam Barjo Campus on Thursday 22 November 2018 to continuously develop their knowledge. This was proven by a lecturer at Sriwijaya University Palembang (UNSRI), Lvian Teddy who is a teaching staff and researcher. This has been proven by completing his doctoral studies.
The study took approximately 4 years 2 months 21 days. In the Architectural and Urban Engineering Doctoral Programme Undip made him the 34th doctoral graduate in his field. Through the guidance of the Promoter, Prof.Dr.Ing.Ir.Gagoek Hardiman, Dr.Ir.Nuroji,MS Co.Promoter 1, Prof.Dr.Ir.Sri Tudjono,MS as Co Promoter 2, Dr.Ir.Titien Woro Murtini,MSA, as Internal Examiner, Dr.Ir.Agung Budi Sardjono,MT as Internal Examiner, and Prof.Dr.Ir.Sugeng Triyadi,MT as External Examiner and Teaching Staff from ITB. M.Agung Wibowo, MM, M.Sc.PhD, Examiner as well as Dean of the Faculty, Dr.Ir.Atiek Suprapti, MT, Examiner as well as Head of Architecture Engineering Study Programme.
Livian Teddy managed to defend his dissertation research in front of the Doctoral Open Examination Panel or Promotion Examination. With the Dissertation Title: Adaptation of the Simplified Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) of Buildings Against Earthquakes in the Architectural Design Process in Indonesia (Case Study: Semarang City).
The Promovenda’s success was awarded a Very Satisfactory predicate with a GPA of 3.85, further adding to the list of doctoral alumni in the Architecture and Urban Science Doctoral Study Program. and continued Promoters and examiners and other guests congratulated the promovenda and were accompanied by invited guests from family and fellow friends.