Semarang,, – The Faculty of Engineering Undip has once again awarded the highest educational degree. Ely Nurhidayati, a Doctoral Candidate (Promovenda) of Undip’s Doctoral Programme in Architecture and Urban Sciences (PDIAP) successfully defended her research entitled “Resilience of Stage House Settlements on the Pontianak Kapuas Riverbank” in the Dissertation Open Session.
The ceremony, which was held on Monday (12/2) at 10.00 WIB, was held at the Undip Postgraduate School, Pleburan Campus. The Examination Team appreciated the research results of the Planology Bachelor Alumnus of Unissula Semarang and also Undip MPWK. The results of the judicium read out by the Secretary of the Session (Dr. Ir. Atiek Suprapti) Ely Nurhidayati was declared to have passed with a GPA of 3.75 and a study period of less than four years, thus she received a doctorate degree (Dr) with cumlaude predicate.
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM, M.Sc., Ph.D urged Doctoral Candidate students in particular to complete their education as well as possible. While Prof. Dr. Imam Buchori in his speech as a Promoter said that the research results obtained should be useful and can be developed in the Promovenda’s environment (Politeknik Negeri Pontianak/Polnep).
The ceremony was closed by congratulating Promovenda and her family starting from the Dean of FT, Head of PDIAP, and internal examiners (Prof. Sugiono Soetomo, Prof. Gagoek Hardiman, Dr. Mussadun, Prof. Nany Yuliastuti, Prof. Bambang Setioko) and also external examiners (Prof. Dr. Pradono/ITB).