Tembalang, dtap.undip.ac.id, – Academic co-operation between universities certainly provides positive value, including spurring achievement. Undip’s PDTAP has developed this relationship for several periods. Together with universities from within and outside the country, doctoral alumni have been produced. Joint degree doctoral with ENSAPB France, for example, was able to produce doctoral graduates cum laude, such as Dr Nur Miladan.
Recently, the collaboration with UNS Surakarta has succeeded in delivering new qualified doctors. Istijabatul Aliyah, a lecturer at UNS, completed her doctoral studies cum laude last March. PDTAP’s first alumnus (Dr Sudarmawan Juwono) was also an UNS alumnus in his undergraduate degree. So said Prof Dr Gagoek Hardiman in his remarks as a promoter at the doctoral promotion session at the Undip Graduate School Building for promovenda Avi Marlina on Tuesday (18/7/17).
Avi is the 25th graduate of PDTAP FT Undip, completing her studies in less than four years and graduating cum laude. Avi’s success is also a gift of cooperation with UNS Surakarta.
In front of hundreds of invited guests, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Undip, Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, Ph. D, did not stop motivating, especially the lecturers as well as doctoral candidates. How the demands of human resources today must be elevated in quality, because it will have a big influence on the output, as well as the cooperation that has been established should increase from time to time.